The hands are the most important factor in producing a great golf swing.The hands determine the position of the clubface which in turn decides the direction of the ball.
More specifically, we need to focus on the position of the left (for righthanders) and right (for lefthanders) wrist.In an ideal swing, it will be straight.
first things first. Short of giving a complete golf swing lesson here, I must at least tell you this. Start by addressing that.
This will put your left hand on the club so that it will feel more on top of the club than you may be used to. That's fine. Now your hands are ligned up properly. Deal with it.
That's that. Before you can start to learn the more advanced aspects of a good tee-shot, you'll need to have really established that grip as part of your game. So practice the grip over and over and over. Make it so it becomes natural and check it every single time... It's actually really not very hard. Just do it.
Think now of the little finger and the ring finger of your left hand. Press into the grip of your club with these two fingers. Now gently but firmly, rotate these two fingers toward the inside of your left forearm. You're not going to be moving it very far. Again, keep the rest of your body still. Turn your head and peek at the position of your club. Is is in a closed position? It should be.
Your hands and club will be in prefect position: left hand straight, right hand bent, and club creating a 45 degree angle with the ground. That's the key to a good solid golf swing, and the reason I published this. You will do this as you begin the backswing, it's the first thing you do. .
It's a good thing.
Next: Putting Aids.
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